Senin, 04 April 2011


Hi dear,
You have done your listening test, haven’t you? Now, let’s move to the next step. Here, you have some exercises to do. Start your speaking test right now! Good Luck!

Section 1
In this section, you can see three different pictures. Your job is identifying the pictures and answers the following questions.

Picture 1

1. What does picture 1 tell you about?
2. What is the use of that thing?

Picture 2


1. What is on your mind when you see that picture?
2. Elaborate your answer!

Picture 3


1. What does picture 3 tell you about?
2. Do you think it is related to the previous pictures above?Elaborate your answer!

Section 2
Here,I provide a conversation between a reporter and Maggie (a librarian). Practice it with your friend!

Reporter: good afternoon everyone! This is Eva from Career Magazine. We are so happy to have Maggie today sharing about her job as a librarian. Welcome, Maggie. Could you tell us why you want to be a librarian in the first place?

Maggie: well….I think the main reason is that I can learn something everyday in the library. I’ve booked psychics, mountain climbers, and rock musicians, for programs. If the new books don’t excite me, the new technologies do. I sometimes use new technologies to help people gather information.

Reporter: How do you like your working environment?

Maggie: very much. In a library, you’re clean, dry, warm, and working with people who are generally happy to be there. And also, coworkers are cool. Most of them have different working experience in other areas. I know librarians who were truck drivers, teachers, and factory workers before.

Reporter: It sounds to me that you quite enjoy in it. What do you like best of your job?

Maggie: I liked being able to help people in such a friendly hands-on environment. People say "thank you" each and every day because you’ve helped them find something that will really help them.

Reporter: We really learn a lot today. Thank you for your sharing!!

excite: to make someone have strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm
technologies: (the study and knowledge of) the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries
environment: the conditions that you live or work in and the way that they influence how you feel or how effectively you can work

Useful expression
good afternoon ...

asking for information
Could you tell us ...?

thank you for your sharing


Learn the expressions through this video, and imitate the pronunciation of it!



It is . . .
This is something . . .
It's something that you . . .
You can (verb) it.
You can (verb) with it.
You can use it to (verb).
It is used for V + ing.
You need it for V + ing.
You need/use it when . . .
If you want/need to (verb), then you can . . .


Is it . . . ?
What do you do with it?
What is it made of?
What is it used for?
What's the difference between A and B?


Look at the following video and give a report of what you have learn!


chip: a long thin piece of potato that is fried and usually eaten hot
guarantee: a promise that something will be done or will happen, especially a written promise by a company to repair or change a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time

Section 3

1. make a group consists of two persons (work in pairs)
2. choose one of the situation below:
- your friend didn't know much about computer. He/she asked you to tell him about it and you are supposed to give him/her the general information of it.
- you are an archaeologist and your friend is a computer programmer. Share the general information about your job to each other!
3. create a dialogue based on the situation you chose
4. act it out!


2 komentar:

  1. Focus : Speaking
    Reviewer : Nor Kasifatul Millah

    Strengths :
    1. You give the clear instruction in each of section.
    2. You really focus on the one of genre of the text, including in your some pictures and some media you use, it relates each other

    In the first section, you don't mention that students have to answer orally or not. Because this is the speaking section, you have to differentiate between the written answer and the oral answer.

    You have to give the additional instruction that the students have to answer orally in the first section, it is used to differentiate between the speaking skill with the other skills.

    Overall rate: 8


  2. Focus: Speaking
    Reviewer: Foni Etika Mulyani
    1. you give some picture in warming up section
    2. you also put glossary in section 2. it could help the students to find the meaning of words.

    1. in section 1 you didn't give clear instruction to your students whether they have to answer it in written or oral.
    you have to give clear instruction to your students. so your student will understand. and there is no miss-communication between you and your students.

    overall rate: 8
